Why Allied Health professionals should consider wearing a personal alarm - MePACS


03 Jun 21

Why Allied Health professionals should consider wearing a personal alarm

MePACS Team | Lone Worker Safety

The AHPA states that Australia’s 195,000 allied health professionals represent more than a quarter of the health workforce and deliver an estimated 200 million health services annually. 

There is little doubt that everyone in some shape or another is feeling the pain of the covid-19 crisis, and the allied health industry is no exception.  

We are now half way through 2021 and there is an even greater need for allied health services, with mental health an even greater priority for the Australian government. In turn, our allied health professionals are seeing their wait lists climb out of control, with some unable to offer a vacancy for 6-12 months and even beyond.  

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What are the risks of working in the Allied Health industry?


An allied health worker is particularly vulnerable to workplace risks both physically and mentally simply because they see patients just like Medical Practitioners do. 

When it comes to allied health professionals, they often work in a variety of environments including in standalone clinics, public health hospitals and in patients’ homes. They often work alone, unsupervised and behind closed doors, working long hours.  


Health and Safety risks associated with the Allied Health industry


Working in a high-risk and fast paced environment like a clinical practice or hospital can also cause ongoing stress and affect an individual’s mental health. By incorporating a lone worker alarm into your OH & S policies can relieve your workers worry and concern and provide them with the reassurance that they have 24/7 help whenever needed. In turn this can lead to improved morale, work ethic and a better office environment.  

Risks can include:

  • Vulnerable patients and agitated bystanders  
  • Lifting and moving both patients and workplace equipment  
  • Slippery and uneven surfaces  
  • Working alone and having no supervision  
  • Workplace related stress  
  • Being confronted by potential unrestrained aggressive pets when the worker visits client’s home 


Ways that employees and managers can help manage employees stress


  • Encourage employees to take breaks during the day to manage stress  
  • Teams should be given regular feedback and encouragement. 
  • Teams need a say in how assigned tasks are performed. 
  • Programs or tools should be made available to help employees manage stress. 
  • Teams need training to do their jobs well. 
  • Teams need a pleasant and safe working environment to reduce workplace stress 
  • Equip your Teams with Lone Worker Alarms, particularly for those who are working alone. 

Download Our Ultimate Guide To Duress Alarms


What is a good duress alarm for Allied Health professionals?


A reliable wearable duress personal alarm for allied health professionals should be a discreet and convenient device that can send a signal for help to an emergency response team.  Ideally one that has 24/7 response from trained professionals, quick to activate and has auto answer functionality. During an emergency situation, when time is of the essence it is crucial that a call for help is guaranteed to be answered, so help can reach you FAST! 

How does a Lone Worker alarm work for Allied Health professionals?


By introducing a MePACS lone worker alarm into workplace health & safety procedures can guarantee that all allied health staff, and particularly those in lone worker roles have the necessary assistance from the 24/7 MePACS emergency response service to de-escalate a distressing situation.  

In the event of an accident, violence, assault, fire or emergency, a signal for help can be activated with a quick, sharp press of the safety alarm button.   

Alternatively, the in-built fall detection technology will automatically trigger an alert to the MePACS emergency response team to contact you via the 2-way voice to voice system to ascertain what emergency situation you are experiencing.  

Our trained and highly skilled response team can then assess the situation, triage the level of help required and take the necessary action such as contacting your manager, calling security or calling 000 emergency services to assist you with the necessary action.  

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Why should I choose the MePACS Lone Worker Alarm service?


  • MePACS work with you to support your OH & S policies  
  • 80% of clients with a MePACS lone worker alarm feel safer at work.  
  • Over 90% of MePACS lone worker clients say they feel more supported by their organisation by offering them a lone worker safety alarm  
  • A Lone Worker Alarm system can increase staff retention, morale, reduce stress and sick leave.  


What are the benefits of a MePACS lone worker alarm?


  • Alerts can be made with a quick and simple one button activation  
  • Two-way voice communication with MePACS response team via the alarm  
  • Alarm devices can be shared by a team  
  • GPS locator – so we can get help to you FAST! 
  • Splash proof  
  • Lightweight; weighing only 58 grams  


MePACS is a trusted lone worker alarm provider


  • 80% of clients with a MePACS duress alarm said they feel safer at work 
  • Over 90% of MePACS lone worker clients say they feel more supported by their employer due to having a lone worker alarm 
  • Over 43,000 clients Australia wide 
  • Average 4.6-star rating by over 400 clients 

 Sarah from Clinical Labs needed to press her MePACS lone worker duress alarm when a client quickly became agitated and it turned into an emergency situation “When I pressed my MePACS alarm, it de-escalated the situation and the patient ran out of the building, then I locked the door to keep myself safe.” 

“Having pressed my MePACS alarm, it gave me reassurance to know that I could come back into work the next day.” 

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For more information on MePACS Lone Worker Safety Alarms call our friendly team on 1800 685 329 or visit www.mepacs.com.au/duress.