Top Assistive Technology Devices HCP's should be suggesting for their senior clients! - MePACS


10 Jun 21

Top Assistive Technology Devices HCP’s should be suggesting for their senior clients!

MePACS Team | Home Care Package

What is Assistive Technology?  


Assistive technology includes IT devices and systems that helps people stay independent in their own home, manage their health or compensate for a disability. 

Assistive technology combined with assisted living or home healthcare, empowers seniors and those with compromised health to optimise their mental and physical wellbeing, while maintaining a degree of independence. 

There are many devices that Health Care Professionals can recommend to their elderly clients and this is a list of just some of the top assisted technology gadgets that have been in greater demand in recent times; 

Motion Sensors 


External factors and various health-related problems such as poor vision and muscle weakness can result in slip and fall injuries.  

Motion sensors are useful as they can be connected to things like smart lights so that the lights are switched on automatically if they sense movement, avoiding the need to cross a room to get up to switch a light on at night. Some motion sensors can also be set up to detect an absence of movement providing some level of reassurance when it comes to the risk of falls and again are less intrusive than a camera. 

Smart Home Security Systems for Increased Protection 


Traditional locks are fine, but they’re not as dependable as smart home security systems. 

Smart Home Security Systems offer increased protection and alerts for invasive situations caused by intruders, flooding, and fires. Many include 24/7 security monitoring, motion detectors, window sensors, as well as remote control of cameras and door locks. 


Robot Vacuums 


There are many changes that happen to us when we age. A few include musculoskeletal diseases, sensory impairment or loss, and muscle mass decline, which can all make it hard for seniors and those with health complications to perform certain physical activities. 

This is where robot vacuums can become convenient. Robot vacuums are automated devices that perform cleaning tasks and carpet vacuuming. They are coded to sense various surfaces and adjust accordingly. You don’t have to worry if you have hardwood floors in one room and carpeted or tiled floors in another. Another great feature of many robot vacuum devices is that they can be set on a timer, so you can leave the house knowing that when you return the house will be spick and span – incredible! 


Automatic Pill Dispensers 


Automatic pill dispensers can be customised to suit your client or loved ones medication schedule. These handy devices can hold several days, or weeks of medication and some come with reminder alarms that can both flash and beep. This can take the confusion out of daily medications and is particularly useful if an individual has any cognitive issues. 


Virtual Assistant Devices 


Easy-to-use tools such as Google Home and Alexa can help individuals stay connected to their community, talk face to face with loved ones, set alarms for medical appointments as well as keep up-to-date with news and stay safe in their home. They can also use them to enjoy streaming music services, share photos with family and check the weather.  


Amplified Phones 


Amplified phones make it easier for your aging client or loved one to hear the phone ringing, as well as to hear the person talking on the other end of the line. These devices also feature large buttons, speakers and caller ID functionality. 


Smart Refrigerator 


It’s always important to make sure what we eat is fresh. A smart refrigerator keeps track of what’s food is inside the fridge. This intuitive technology can tell you or a carer if something is out of date or needs restocking. This way, you’ll know all the food in the fridge is fresh for consumption. 



Monitored Personal alarm  


A fully monitored personal alarm service offers the human touch that many assisted technologies fail to give. Many seniors are socially isolated and lonely. They can’t always rely on busy family members to respond when they need help or they live too far away. 

By using wearable technology like a personal alarm with 24/7 monitoring, a user can alert a response centre which is guaranteed to respond anytime of the day and night. They are able to communicate via the alarm unit to find out what type of help is required and get the appropriate help – FAST! 

A 24/7 response service combined with personal alarm technology provides a high level of peace of mind and confidence for safety.   

There are many assisted technology devices in the market at the moment and not all devices and systems are suitable to everyone. As a Home Care Provider it’s great to be able to know what products and services are available to recommend to your clients.  Offering them a variety of choice as well as guidance to what services and products best support their individual needs to live safely in their own home.  


For more information on MePACS Personal Alarms contact 1800 685 329 or visit  

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