Technology and safety solutions for managing diabetes


15 Jul 24

Technology and safety solutions for managing diabetes

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing

Every day, 280 Australians are diagnosed with diabetes, according to Diabetes Australia – that’s one new diagnosis every five minutes. While many people with diabetes live relatively normal lives, managing their condition can be challenging. The latest advancements in diabetes technology offer new ways to monitor and control glucose levels, providing greater peace of mind and improved quality of life.

The power of diabetes technology

Diabetes technology has come a long way, offering innovative solutions to help manage the condition more effectively. From continuous glucose monitors to smart insulin pens, these tools are transforming the lives of people with diabetes.

Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs)

CGMs are wearable devices that provide real-time glucose readings throughout the day and night. They alert users to rising or falling glucose levels, allowing for timely interventions. CGMs eliminate the need for frequent finger pricks and provide a comprehensive view of glucose trends.

Flash Glucose Monitoring

Similar to CGMs, flash glucose monitors allow users to check their glucose levels with a simple scan of a sensor worn on the skin. This technology offers a convenient and less invasive way to monitor glucose levels, making it easier to stay on top of diabetes management.

Insulin Pumps

Insulin pumps are small devices that deliver a continuous supply of insulin throughout the day. They can be programmed to deliver different amounts of insulin at different times, mimicking the body’s natural insulin release. This technology helps maintain more stable glucose levels and reduces the need for multiple daily injections.

Smart Insulin Pens

Smart insulin pens connect to mobile apps to track insulin doses and provide reminders for when the next dose is due. They can also calculate the correct dose based on current glucose levels and carbohydrate intake, helping to reduce the risk of dosing errors.

Personal Alarms: Enhancing Safety and Independence

For people with diabetes, particularly those at risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), personal alarms offer an added layer of security. These devices can alert caregivers or emergency services if the user experiences a severe hypoglycemic episode or a fall, ensuring help is available when it’s needed most.

MePACS offers a range of monitored personal alarms that provide 24/7 support and peace of mind. Whether at home or on the go, these alarms ensure that help is just a button press away. With fast response times and knowledgeable, trained staff, MePACS alarms allow people with diabetes to enjoy life with greater independence and confidence.

Join the diabetes tech Revolution

Advancements in diabetes technology are empowering individuals to take control of their health. By leveraging these tools, people living with diabetes can achieve better glucose management, reduce the risk of complications, and improve their overall quality of life.

Diabetes Australia’s “Unite for Diabetes Tech” initiative highlights the importance of accessible and affordable diabetes technology. By advocating for better support and funding for these innovative solutions, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the latest advancements in diabetes care.

Disclaimer: This information does not replace advice from a qualified health professional. Consult your GP for any health concerns.

For more information on how MePACS personal alarms can support your diabetes management, call our friendly team on 1800 685 329 or Join Now.