How to discuss emergency alarms with your senior parent - MePACS


16 Jun 22

How to discuss emergency alarms with your senior parent

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing


Having a conversation about an emergency alarm system with your senior parent can be a challenging yet crucial discussion. As our loved ones age, their safety becomes a top priority, and an emergency alarm system can provide them with the security they need. However, approaching this topic requires sensitivity and empathy to address any concerns or reservations they may have.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to initiate a conversation about an emergency alarm system with your senior parent, ensuring their safety and peace of mind.

 Follow these steps to ensure a productive, open and constructive dialogue:

Setting the Stage

Begin the conversation by creating a comfortable and relaxed environment. Choose a quiet and private space where you can have an uninterrupted discussion. Make sure both you and your parent are at ease before broaching the topic.

Choose the Right Time

Timing is crucial. Select a time when your parent is receptive and not preoccupied. Avoid discussing the topic during stressful moments or when they might be tired or distracted.

Express Your Concerns

Start by expressing your genuine concern for their well-being. Share your observations about potential risks and challenges they might face as they continue to age. Emphasize that your intention is to ensure their safety and independence.

Highlight the Benefits

Explain the benefits of an emergency alarm system in a positive light. Mention how the system can provide immediate assistance in case of falls, accidents, or medical emergencies. Highlight its role in giving them more confidence to live independently.

Address Their Concerns

Be prepared for questions and concerns your parent might have. Address their worries empathetically and provide accurate information. Assure them that the alarm system is user-friendly and designed to enhance their safety without intruding on their privacy.

Share Success Stories

Share stories of individuals who have benefited from emergency alarm systems. Personal anecdotes or testimonials can help alleviate any fears your parent might have and show that they’re not alone in considering such a system.

Involve Them in the Decision

Empower your parent by involving them in the decision-making process. Ask for their opinions on different alarm system options and features. This approach gives them a sense of control and autonomy.

Offer a Trial Period

If your parent remains hesitant, suggest a trial period for the alarm system. Some alarm providers offer short-term trials and no lock-in contracts to allow seniors to experience the benefits firsthand before making a long-term commitment.

Reassure Them of Your Support

Throughout the conversation, assure your parent that you’re there to support and assist them. Remind them that this decision is about their safety and well-being, and you’re dedicated to helping them make the best choice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How does an emergency alarm system work?
A: An emergency alarm system typically consists of a small wearable device placed around the home that can be activated by the press of a button to send an alert to a monitoring center or designated contacts, summoning immediate assistance.

Q: What if my parent is resistant to using technology?
A: Many modern emergency alarm systems are very simple to use, only requiring a button press. They often do not require any technical knowledge and can be easily operated by seniors, regardless of their comfort level with technology.

Q: How can I find the right emergency alarm system for my parent?
A: Research different alarm system providers, read reviews, and consider features that match your parent’s needs. It’s important to note that it’s not necessarily about getting the best emergency alarm system on the market, but rather the alarm that is most suitable for your senior parents’ lifestyle. 

Q: with an alarm, do I still need to be available in an emergency?
A: The short answer is yes, but your level of involvement depends on the type of alarm you choose.
With a non-monitored alarm you will need to answer the call from the alarm and manage the emergency response yourself. This means you must be available to respond any time of the day or night.
With a 24/7 monitored alarm, a professional team will manage the emergency response and keep you informed of the situation. This means that your parents will always get help fast, even if you’re stuck in a meeting or doing the school run.

Q: What if my parent has concerns about false alarms?
A: Address their concerns by explaining that the benefits of immediate assistance in genuine emergencies far outweigh the occasional false alarm. Also, with a monitored emergency alarm false alarms are managed by a monitoring centre, so a false alarm would not be disturbing anyone and are nothing to worry about.

Q: Will the alarm system compromise their privacy?
A: No, the alarm system is designed to provide safety while respecting privacy. The alarm does not collect data or tracking information. It only activates when the user presses the button or when a fall is detected.

Q: Do they need an internet connection or the NBN?
A: No, most alarm systems work independently and do not require an internet connection or the NBN.


Discussing an emergency alarm system with your senior parent requires patience, empathy, and effective communication. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a productive conversation that addresses their concerns while highlighting the importance of their safety and well-being. Remember that this dialogue is an opportunity to reinforce your support and commitment to their independence and comfort.

Find out more about MePACS Alarms

When you join MePACS, everyone can enjoy peace of mind. For more information on our emergency alarm systems, call 1800 685 329 or Join Now.