How can an emergency call button help seniors with heart conditions? - MePACS


20 May 21

How can an emergency call button help seniors with heart conditions?

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing

Heart conditions currently affect over 1 million Australians and continue to be a leading cause of declining health in older adults and the elderly. 

When the risk of heart disease begins to increase as you age, it’s time to consider how you can protect your health and safety while still living alone and enjoying your independence.  

What is an emergency call button for elderly in Australia?

mepacs home and mobile unit

An emergency call button, also known as a personal alarmis a small wearable device with a raised button which can easily be pressed to signal for help in a medical emergency, where there are trained professional available 24/7 to respond to your call, when you need it, without having to rely on family and friends to respond 

For seniors, symptoms of heart conditions can often arise unexpectedly and it’s in this instance that a mini emergency call button is the ideal safety companion 

This is where you can rely on the MePACS 24/7 team – our Home and Mobile Alarm bundle has helped many clients to feel more confident and independent in their daily lives, which really makes all the difference. 

Our Mobile Alarm in particular, a type of mobile emergency call button with GPS technology, now has automatic fall detection to ensure fast response to a client who is prone to falls, fainting or medical emergencies. 

Find out more about the Mobile Alarm 


How does the emergency call button work?

If you feel unwell due to a heart condition, medical emergency call button allows the wearer to signal for help directly to the MePACS 24/7 emergency response team, who can assess the situation and help determine the most appropriate assistance needed, whether that is a family member or an ambulance. 

Pressing a MePACS personal alarm once ensures help is available within two minutes from our professionally trained team of response operators.  

We know emergency call buttons that call family doesn’t always guarantee an answerso you can always rely on MePACS to give you true peace of mind and help you feel safer in your own home. 

Have the peace of mind you deserve – Join MePACS today! 

Why should a senior with a heart condition have an emergency call button?

Seniors may be at risk of heart conditions including: 

  • Ischaemic Heart Disease, a build-up of plaque in the heart’s arteries 
  • Atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries 
  • Cardiomyopathy, which causes the heart’s muscles to harden or become weak 
  • Arrhythmia, an abnormal heart rhythm 
  • Heart Attacks, where blood supply is cut off from the heart 

For those at risk of any heart issues above, an emergency call button system should be easy to use, lightweight and ideally monitored by a response team of trained professionals.  

 Our client Ron knows all-too-well how important MePACS is to seniors living alone. When he suffered a stroke at home, it was the quick thinking of the MePACS emergency response service that saved his life. 

“I suffered a major arterial blood clot cutting off blood to my heart and brain, which totally incapacitated me.” 

“Luckily, I had my MePACS personal alarm and was able to press to signal for help.” 

 When you have a MePACS emergency call button, ultimate peace of mind is only one press of a button away. 

Find out more about the Home Alarm 

What is the best emergency call button for elderly?

Reviews for personal alarms can help you decide what type of emergency call button is best for your medical condition and lifestyle. 

MePACS has been keeping communities safe and responding to emergency alerts to seniors for over 30 years. We have over 300 reviews from our clients who rate us 4.6 stars out of 5 and are among the most rated personal alarm services in Australia.  

In our latest survey of client opinions, 98% rated the MePACS service as good or excellent. 

Where to buy emergency call button for elderly?

If you need an emergency call button for the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom or out in your garden, it is especially important to ensure you feel safe and secure in every area of the home. 

To find out more information about a MePACS personal alarm, including what an emergency call button costs, visit 

If you’re ready to prioritise your safety with an emergency call button, you can complete our online application at or call our sales team on 1800 685 329.