Tips for living safely with Epilepsy - MePACS


29 Mar 21

Tips for living safely with Epilepsy

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing , NDIS News & Info

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterised by impulsive and recurring seizures. According to Epilepsy Action Australia, Epilepsy can result from head injuries, strokes, brain infections, or congenital brain abnormalities. Genetics are also a factor for some individuals. Approximately 250,000 Australians are currently living with epilepsy.

It’s common for people living with epilepsy to be concerned about how seizures may impact their daily routines. However, by implementing proper safety precautions, you can lead a fulfilling and secure life.

Can a person with Epilepsy live alone?

Living alone can be a lifestyle choice for some people living with epilepsy. Many people who live independently appreciate the freedom it offers, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining self-worth and having autonomy over their lives.

One common concern among people with epilepsy who live alone is the fear of experiencing a seizure and getting injured without anyone knowing.

With a proper safety plan and precautions in place, there is no reason why a person with epilepsy cannot live independently. According to the Epilepsy Foundation, one in five individuals with epilepsy lives on their own. This statistic is uplifting for those seeking to live self-sufficiently. Even with the risk of seizures, it is possible to establish a daily routine that suits your needs.


Creating a seizure-safe environment

There are several steps you can take to make sure your home is safe and secure should you or your loved one experience a seizure. 

  1. Place cushioning padding on sharp corners, like those on living room tables and bench tops. 
  2. Sleep on a low-lying bed.  
  3. Avoid placing bedside tables in your bedroom. 
  4. Avoid having glass tables inside your home. 
  5. Avoid having slippery floor services within the home and rather use non-slip carpet. 
  6. Avoid throw rugs and cushions that may potentially be a suffocation hazard. 
  7. Wear a fall detector personal alarm pendant 


Know your triggers

Until more research is known about the causes of epilepsy and how it can be prevented, there are certain triggers that you can avoid to help prevent seizures occurring.  

 Here are some helpful tips that may help reduce your risk of having an Epilepsy seizure:

  • Get plenty of rest and sleep. 
  • Recognise stress and learn about relaxation techniques. 
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol. 
  • Take all of your prescribed medications. 
  • Avoid bright and flashing lights. 
  • Reduce the amount of screen time. 
  • Eat a healthy diet and avoid caffeine and energy drinks.


Assistive technology for epilepsy

Assistive technology can play an important role in supporting people living with epilepsy by enhancing safety, independence, and quality of life. Here are some ways assistive technology helps:

  1. Seizure Detection and Alert Systems: Devices like smartwatches or wearable sensors can detect abnormal movements or changes in vital signs associated with seizures. They then send alerts to caregivers or emergency contacts, enabling prompt assistance.

  2. Medication Management Apps: Mobile applications can help individuals track their medication schedules, set reminders for doses, and record any side effects or changes in symptoms. This ensures medication adherence, which is vital for seizure control.

  3. Monitored Personal Alarms: Personal alarms allow users to quickly call for help when experiencing a seizure. Alarms that are equiped with falls detection can automatically send an alert to the emergency response centre.

  4. Safety Monitoring Devices: Home monitoring systems equipped with motion sensors or cameras can detect unusual activity or falls during a seizure. These devices can automatically alert caregivers or emergency services for timely intervention.

  5. Epilepsy Diaries and Trackers: Digital diaries or journaling apps enable individuals to record details about their seizures, triggers, and other relevant health information. This data can help healthcare providers make more informed treatment decisions.

  6. Lifestyle Management Tools: Wearable devices and smartphone apps can track sleep patterns, stress levels, physical activity, and other factors that may influence seizure frequency. By identifying patterns and triggers, individuals can make informed lifestyle adjustments to better manage their condition.

  7. Education and Support Resources: Online platforms, forums, and educational websites provide valuable information, resources, and peer support for individuals living with epilepsy and their caregivers. These resources help foster a sense of community and empowerment.

MePACS monitored personal alarms for Epilepsy

MePACS personal alarms are monitored 24/7 by trained professionals who are ready help at any time of the day or night. Your personal contacts and medical history is securely kept on file so we are able to quickly get the right help for you and provide the relevant details to emergency services if needed.

Our range of personal safety alarms are tailored for different people and conditions, and include features like automatic falls detection and GPS, so you and your family can enjoy genuine peace of mind knowing that professional help is available around the clock. 

MePACS is an approved & registered NDIS provider. Our alarms and accessories can be funded through the Capital Support  category and Assistive Technology through your NDIS Plan. 

If you already have an NDIS care plan or you’re looking to use your NDIS funding please visit:, call us on 1800 685 329 or 

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