Faces of MePACS: Monitor – Bridget - MePACS


16 Nov 21

Faces of MePACS: Monitor – Bridget

MePACS Team | Faces of MePACS

The MePACS 24/7 emergency response service wouldn’t be what it is today without the wonderful response team, who are dedicated to ensuring our clients feel safer and have great peace of mind at home and away.

Bridget has only recently become a monitor at MePACS, but says she finds her role “rewarding and secure”.

Like many at MePACS, she values the opportunity to make sure our clients are okay and let them know we are here for them 24/7.

 What does a typical day involve for you?

“As a monitor we work morning, afternoon and night shifts around the clock to look after our clients. When I first come in, I respond to medical emergency calls, monthly pendant tests and check-ins from our clients who are lone workers.”

“The busiest time of the day is 11am, when we check in with clients who have missed their daily calls. We go through the entire list all while picking up true medical emergencies and accidental pendant presses.”

What do you enjoy most about your role?

“I enjoy coming into work and speaking to hundreds of our clients every day. Knowing I can make a difference in their lives at the press of a button makes me feel very happy and accomplished and gives me great job satisfaction!”

What has been a highlight or memorable moment in your role?

“There are lots of memorable moments and highlights within this role, and just recently we had a client send us some chocolates as a thank you!”

“The highlight for me is when clients say how grateful they are for us when we chat to them over the alarm or phone – the reassurance that we are helping them feel safe and getting the right help they need is lovely.”

What is your career background?

“My very new career involved working in the Music and Live Entertainment industry. I recently graduated with my Bachelor of Applied Business focusing on Entertainment Management and while I was studying, worked lots of large-scale music events and festivals.”

“I also worked a contracted role for the Australian Grand Prix in the entertainment team. My role was to organise and manage the Formula 1 Drivers signing stage, the national anthem activities and many other entertainment aspects at the Formula 1 and Moto GP in Phillip Island.”

What do you like to do outside of work?

“I am so grateful to be living in such a beautiful place like the Mornington Peninsula. In summer, I love spending time down the beach, swimming and taking my Labrador dog Phoenix for a walk. Lately I’ve been trying my hand at new creative activities, such as painting and crotchet!”