Top 5 Health Tips for Senior Men in Australia - MePACS


13 Jun 22

Top 5 Health Tips for Senior Men in Australia

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing

Men’s Health Week in Australia is celebrated each year in June, providing an opportunity to discuss health issues that men may face over their lifespan.

These conversations are especially important for senior men to know how they can address their health needs and provide effective outcomes for a happier, healthier lifestyle. But this occasion is also an opportunity to remind us how important it is to keep active, motivated and safe as we age in our local communities every day.

Why do we need to focus on senior men’s health in Australia?

High levels of chronic medical conditions among senior men in Australia emphasise the necessity for an ongoing focus on advocating healthy lifestyle choices and reducing health risk factors, which can include poor dietary choices, smoking and being physically inactive. All of these risk factors are more prevalent in men than women.

According to Better Health Channel, the Victorian government’s health site, Australian men are more likely to develop serious health problems than Australian women, but less likely to be frequent visitors to their general practitioners and only attend when their illness is in later stages.

After 60 years of lifestyle choices, it is even more important for senior Australian men to be encouraged to improve their overall health and well-being into their retirement years. And it’s as easy as keeping a few top health tips in mind every day.

Before embarking on any lifestyle journey, always speak with your GP about your concerns before and along the way to be completely aware of how your individual health can be affected.

Top Health Tip for Senior Men #1 – Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is an important of everyday life for all ages, but even more so for senior men. Men over the age of 60 can develop health issues including reduced coordination, strength, balance, joint flexibility, respiratory function and increased blood pressure.

Whether it is small weight exercises at home or a walk around your local community, regular exercise not only influences mental well-being and happiness for senior men, but can improve your immune system, brain, heart and muscles.

Top Health Tip for Senior Men #2 – Stay Safe Out in the Community

When we decide to go for a walk to the shops or around the neighbourhood by ourselves, sometimes we don’t think about the worst case scenario because being out in our community is such a routine part of our daily lives.

A medical emergency can happen anywhere, at any time, and especially when we least expect it. For senior men, who can be prone to falls, heart attacks or a stroke during increased physical exercise, it is vital to have a personal alarm to signal for help and receive emergency assistance as soon as possible.

The MePACS Mobile Alarm is the ideal personal safety device to keep you safe when you are out for a walk, meeting friends or even on holiday in Australia.

Find out more about the MePACS Mobile Alarm

Discreet and convenient, it only takes the simple press of a button for the MePACS 24/7 emergency response team to answer the medical alarm within 2 minutes, assess the situation and call the most appropriate contact you need, whether that is family or an ambulance.

Join MePACS today or call 1800 685 329

Top Health Tip for Senior Men #3 – Maintain a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is also essential for senior men to maintain their energy and overall health.

A variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, fibre, proteins and lean meat in your diet help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer, prevent the onset of frailty and maintain good gut health.

Speaking to your GP for a referral to a dietitian can set you in the right direction for nutritional advice, which can contribute to a better quality of life and increase your safety while living independently in your own home.

Top Health Tip for Senior Men #4 – Stay Connected with Friends and Family

While the focus of senior men’s health is primarily on the individual, staying connected with friends and family through regular messages, phone calls and video chats – if it cannot be in person – is vital to improving mental health for senior men in Australia.

Through modern technology like tablet screens, laptops, smart phones and smart watches, it’s now so easy to catch up with someone we know from wherever we are, which significantly reduces the chance of social isolation, depression and anxiety for those who live alone in their own homes.

Top Health Tip for Senior Men #5 – Be Aware of Medical Conditions

Complacency with our personal health and well-being for senior men in Australia is an ongoing risk factor when priorities of work and family take over. But when Australian males are more likely than females to engage in risky health behaviours and to die prematurely, being aware of existing medical conditions and the chance of developing new health risks should be something that senior men consider every day to ensure their optimal health and well-being for the future.

A MePACS personal alarm is ideal for senior men in Australia who want to prioritise their health and safety. Call our friendly sales team on 1800 685 329 to apply or visit