Prioritising Home Care and Safety for Seniors in the Loddon Mallee Region, Victoria - MePACS


27 Sep 21

Prioritising Home Care and Safety for Seniors in the Loddon Mallee Region, Victoria

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing

Across regional Victoria, every senior who chooses to live independently deserves to feel safe, confident and supported to afford the essential care and services they need at home.

While home care funding provided by the Australian government helps to cover some costs associated with medical care, domestic tasks and home maintenance, it’s not so common knowledge that personal alarms can also be included!

With over 30 years of keeping communities safe, MePACS is a leading provider of personal alarms in Australia. Our medical alarms have provided many Victorian seniors, especially those living in regional towns, with the peace of mind they deserve when it comes to their health and safety.

For seniors enjoying their leisure years in the Loddon Mallee region of north-west Victoria – which includes suburbs like Bendigo, Castlemaine, Mildura, Swan Hill and Echuca – a personal alarm can make all the difference in the event of a medical emergency.


What is a medical alarm, and how does it work?

A medical alarm, also known as a personal alarm, is a lightweight safety device worn on your wrist or around your neck. It enables quick, convenient signalling for help in the event of a medical emergency or fall – which can both happen frequently and especially when you least expect it.

A fully monitored, 24/7 fast response personal alarm service like MePACS reassures our clients that help is only one press of a button away. Our trained, professional response team answer a signal for help within 2 minutes, assess the situation and call the most necessary help on our client’s behalf, whether that is a family member or an ambulance.

This is one of the best things about MePACS – we guarantee a response at any time of the day or night, 365 days a year. And for so many seniors who live alone, away from family, have underlying medical conditions or are prone to falls, this constant support is vital to not only their well-being but confidence to get on with life.

Find out more about MePACS Medical Alarms or call 1800 685 329


Why should seniors include a medical alarm in their home care package?

mepacs home and mobile unitFortunately, government funding provided through Home Care Packages or the Commonwealth Home Support Program helps to address some financial worries encountered in senior living.

MePACS Home Alarm  is particularly ideal for home care clients who may be prone to falls, recovering from surgery or frequently feel unwell due to an ongoing medical condition. At the press of their medical alert pendant, help is available from our professional and efficient response team, who can assess the situation and ensure you get the right help you need.

Monitored alarms that connect to a 24/7 emergency response service save lives. We’ve interviewed many of our clients to learn their stories and why they rely on MePACS when they experience a medical emergency.

Here are some of their reasons:

  • MePACS is guaranteed to respond fast
  • Our team of trained professionals identify the help required
  • We can then prioritise a call to 000 and relay important information
  • Our response team follow up to ensure help has arrived, providing comfort and reassurance
  • For those who live away from family or have no one available to respond, they can rely on MePACS to always answer a signal for help

Including a medical alarm in a home care package prioritises personal safety, reassuring the wearer that they are guaranteed a response if they feel unwell or in a situation of distress.

You can have your Home Care Provider order through our dedicated HCP form or call our team on 1800 685 329. Or if you don’t have a home care package, you can also join MePACS privately.


MePACS Personal Alarms in the Loddon Mallee Region, Victoria

From Mildura down to the Macedon Ranges, the Loddon Mallee region in Victoria offers generous community s pirit and a warm welcome to seniors who may prefer the quiet lifestyle away from the hustle and bustle of metro Melbourne.

Towns in the Loddon Mallee region of Victoria include:

  • Bendigo
  • Castlemaine
  • Echuca
  • Gisborne
  • Kerang
  • Kyneton
  • Maryborough
  • Mildura
  • Swan Hill
  • Wedderburn
  • Wycheproof

If you are a senior living in regional Victoria and  want a little extra help with feeling safe and secure at home, a MePACS medical alarm funded by a Home Care Package can provide the confidence and reassurance you need.

Find out more about Home Care Packages


Why do Home Care Providers choose MePACS?

Our collaboration with Home Care Providers across Australia ensures our clients can access our service through their home care funding, which assists many seniors to live the independent and active lifestyle they deserve.

78% of Home Care Providers surveyed recommend MePACS to their clients. We work together with Home Care Providers and their clients to personally ensure the best outcome is achieved for everyone.

And for our range of personal alarm products, over 90% of home care providers surveyed were Very Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with the MePACS Home Alarm service.

MePACS is an innovator in the personal alarm industry and we will continue to offer personal alarms to suit different needs and keep up with the changing demands. Our new products are always designed with our clients in mind.

 A MePACS Personal Alarm included in a Home Care Package can make all the difference for a senior living in regional Victoria. For more information on MePACS Personal Alarms, call 1800 685 329 or Join Now.