MS Mobility Aids & Assistive Technology including Personal Alarms - MePACS


06 Jul 21

MS Mobility Aids & Assistive Technology including Personal Alarms

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing , NDIS News & Info

If you have Multiple Sclerosis (MS), there is a good chance that at some point you will experience fatigue or problems with your balance when walking.  

For people with living with MS, specialised equipment and technology can make an enormous impact on an individuals’ positive mindset as well as making an improvement to their mobility and day-to-day functioning.  

The right device for you will depend on the exact nature of your symptoms, your lifestyle, and your personal preferences. To make sure you are making the best possible choice, it is useful to see your GP or an Occupational Therapist who will be able to assist you with the best advice for your diagnosis. 

 What is Multiple Sclerosis?

According to MS Australia, Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition of the central nervous system, interfering with nerve impulses within the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. 

MS affects over 25,000 in Australia and more than two million diagnosed worldwide. Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20-40, but it does not discriminate and can affect younger and older people too. Roughly three times as many women have MS as men. 

 What is considered Assistive Technology in the NDIS?

The NDIS uses the definition of Assistive Technology (AT), as defined by the World Health Organisation: ‘any device or system that allows individuals to perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and safety with which tasks can be performed’. 

 Things to consider before purchasing an assistive device:

  • Potential changes in the person’s ability and individual requirements and the capacity of the technology to be modified or adapted as their needs change. 
  • How the proposed item or device will be paid for and what funding sources are available to the person at that time. The cheapest or simplest aid is not always the most cost-effective or the safest option over time.
  • Potential devices need to be researched before they are purchased to ensure it’s the best fit for the individual and their circumstances. 

Benefits of assistive technology aides

The right supportive equipment and aides can assist people who have difficulty performing day-to-day activities to continue to function and actively participate in life. 

Equipment and assistive devices can:

  • Encourages independence, safety, social inclusion as well as improving quality of life 
  • Help you regain or maintain a sense of control over your life 
  • Assist you to continue living in your own home as well as staying safer outside of the home 
  • And giving you more confidence  

Examples of assistive equipment & technology to help people living with MS

There is a wide range of assistive equipment and devices to assist those with MS to live more comfortably and independently. 

  • Adaptive equipment for your home including shower chairs, grab bars and threshold ramps 
  • Walking aides such as a walker, crutches or walking stick, motorised scooters and wheelchairs 
  • Kitchen aids and cooking tools such as electric jar and can openers 
  • Vision and reading tools such as larger monitors, screen-reader programs, and prisms for your prescription glasses to eliminate double vision 
  • Workplace equipment such as adjustable chairs and forearm supports, ergonomic mouse and large-key keyboards. 
  • Safety Technology for the home included security cameras and personal alarms  

 Assisted Technology like a Personal Alarm System

 A fully monitored personal alarm service offers the human touch that many assisted technologies fail to give. Many people are socially isolated and lonely. They cannot always rely on busy family members to respond when they need help, or they live too far away.  

By using wearable technology like a personal safety alarm with 24/7 monitoring, a user can alert a response centre which is guaranteed to respond to a call for help anytime of the day and night. Wearers can communicate via the alarm unit to the response centre so they can find out what type of help is required and get the appropriate help – FAST!  

A 24/7 alarm response service combined with personal alarm technology provides a high level of peace of mind and confidence for MS patients and others who suffer from various disabilities or health concerns. 

 MePACS Personal Alarms for people with Multiple Sclerosis

MePACS Personal Alarms has over 43,000 clients across Australia. We are part of a public health provider which means all our profits go back in the healthcare system. 

At MePACS, we have a range of personal alarms and accessories to support and suit everyone’s needs, whether they are at home, in the garden or out and about. MePACS Personal Alarms provides the security and independence that with just a single press of one button, clients are connected within 2-minutes to trained emergency response operators, anytime of the day or night.  Our team of professionals respond to the individual via the alarm and identify what help required then call the most relevant contact or 000. 

MePACS is an approved NDIS provider

MePACS is an approved NDIS provider, our alarms and accessories can be funded through the category of  Capital Supportand Assistive Technology of your NDIS Plan. 

There is a wide range of assistive equipment and devices to assist those with MS to live more comfortably, independently as well as improving their quality of life. It is important to do your research before choosing the best assisted device for you or your loved one.

*This information does not intend to replace advice from a qualified health professional. Speak to your GP first about any health concerns.

If you already have an NDIS care plan in place or looking to use your NDIS funding to purchase a personal alarm, visit the link below;

 Order a MePACS alarm with NDIS funding or call 1800 685 329

There is still good news if you do not have an NDIS plan as MePACS can still assist you with a personal alarm. Call our team to discuss how we can help you live more independently, safely, and confidently on 1800 685 329.