Lone Worker Safety Alarm for Real Estate Agents | Duress Devices - MePACS


24 Sep 20

Lone Worker Safety Alarm for Real Estate Agents | Duress Devices

MePACS Team | Lone Worker Safety

Personal safety is an important topic of concern for those who work in Property Management – real estate agents, property managers, realtors, leasing agents – as they often work alone.

When it comes to identifying, reducing and reporting risks to worker safety, real estate agents should not only be aware of what they may encounter, but also adapt their knowledge to unforeseen circumstances.

They can be vulnerable to the actions and behaviours of whoever they meet, whether it is a prospective buyer, renter or existing client. But there are also ongoing risks on the property – like broken furniture or aggressive animals – and even on the way there, with the potential for road accidents or onset of illness.

Hazards like these can lead to medical and police emergencies. With a greater focus on an employer’s duty of care to look after the safety of their workers, it has never been more essential than now to equip your real estate team with a 24/7 MePACS Duress alarm.

MePACS duress alarms offer the user an unbeatable sense of safety and security, with the peace of mind that help is always available from our trained and efficient emergency response team.

Download Our Ultimate Guide To Duress Alarms


What is a duress alarm for lone worker safety in real estate?

A duress alarm can help real estate agents feel confident in their role and supported in the instance that they may be threatened by someone around them.

Our mobile duress alarms can be worn on a lanyard or belt clip to ensure they are close to your person. It is lightweight and comfortable, with two-way communication to the MePACS response team so we can prioritise your call with emergency services as soon as possible. The device also has GPS technology and relies on the Telstra 4G mobile network, so it is an easy travel companion and works in all places with sufficient mobile coverage.

The new MePACS Solo, an intuitive duress alarm on the Samsung Galaxy watch, is our latest alarm designed with the busy and professional lone worker in mind.

In a convenient and familiar position on your wrist, the MePACS Solo aids lone workers in real estate with GPS technology and fall detection, respectively giving users the reassurance that help can get to their exact location quickly and a signal for help will be sent automatically if they faint or fall.

With the ability to set check-in alerts, the user can enter a time frame for the inspection or meeting. If a check-in at this particular time is missed, then an alert is sent to MePACS to check on the user’s welfare.

For management staff, an online portal connected to the Solo watch monitors the location of lone workers, their safety status and generates internal reports and insights to improve business operations.

As one of the most necessary features, this revolutionary personal alarm watch can also contact trace lone workers as they travel between destinations and meet with different people. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, contact tracing has become an essential practice within newly-developed protocols for sanitation and social distancing. This means businesses can keep operating while ensuring their workers are safe and connected.

Download MePACS Duress Alarm Brochure

How do you use a duress alarm?

MePACS duress wearable alarms are ideal for lone workers in many Australian workplaces, including councils, allied health, and aged care among others.

With a simple tap of the button or on the watch face, a signal for help is sent to the MePACS 24/7 response service, a team of trained professionals who will answer within two minutes at any hour of the day or night. They can assess the situation and ascertain what type of help is needed before calling an essential contact on your behalf.

If an ambulance is required, MePACS can also relay important information about the situation to the Triple Zero response service, ensuring that your call is prioritised and help is on the way as soon as possible.


What are risks in real estate?

Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why lone workers in real estate face challenges from both the people and environment around them. With the need to always be alert, working alone can become a stressful experience without the correct safety measures and awareness.

Download the Lone Working Risk Assessment Template

Real estate agents are often working out of hours, for long periods of time and in unfamiliar locations. If these places haven’t been assessed for risks, it can lead to common hazards such as slips, trips and falls on uneven surfaces or around obstacles. Properties may also be in need of repair, have broken furniture and even animals that could become aggressive towards an unexpected visitor.

Tenants may become aggravated when faced with eviction or a disagreement and verbally or physically assault an agent. This can be a very distressing situation and affect a worker’s confidence to get on with their job. Without the right support, this could also lead to a debilitating change in their mental health.

Driving when fatigued, distracted or long distances between client’s homes also presents an uncontrollable risk in the case of a potential road accident.

As a lone worker isolated from other colleagues, the time it takes to receive essential help in a medical emergency can be significantly delayed. If a lone worker suddenly becomes extremely ill, they may not be able to call for help quickly and risk increasing the pain or impact of injury.

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How can a MePACS duress alarm help lone worker safety in real estate?

MePACS work with a number of organisations to support their OHS policies and of those surveyed, 80 per cent of clients with a MePACS duress alarm said they feel safer at work, with over 90 per cent reporting they feel more supported by their organisation offering them a duress alarm.

A Duress Alarm System can also increase staff retention, reduce stress and ensure your team feel protected wherever they are and whenever they need help.

Lone worker safety is paramount in all workplaces, especially real estate. If you are interested in the MePACS duress service for your organisation, call 1800 685 329 or visit our official duress page.