Feeling short of breath? How a personal alarm can help people with chronic respiratory conditions - MePACS


06 May 22

Feeling short of breath? How a personal alarm can help people with chronic respiratory conditions

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing , NDIS News & Info

Frequently feeling short of breath or having a tight feeling in your chest are common symptoms of chronic respiratory conditions which can affect the lungs and airways. 

 If left unchecked for some time, chronic respiratory conditions can unfortunately lead to a medical emergency. It’s in this situation that time is really of the essence – when you are struggling to breathe or speak, quick access to medical treatment is essential. 

 MePACS personal alarm can help anyone who experiences chronic respiratory conditions by providing a reliable and efficient way to signal for emergency assistance. Our 24/7 emergency response team are available at any time of the day or night to ensure our clients feel safe and receive the help they require – whether it is from a close family member, friend or Triple 0. 

 Our team also have medical details on file, so we can efficiently share the level of care needed for the chronic respiratory condition if we have to call Triple 0. This then gives the emergency services the ability to prioritise the call and time it takes for an ambulance to arrive. 

Find out more about our Personal Alarms

What are chronic respiratory conditions?

Chronic respiratory conditions are very common and affect almost a third (31%) of Australians. Symptoms can include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing. 

 Chronic respiratory conditions can be grouped in a few different ways, including as obstructive lung diseases and restrictive lung diseases. Obstructive lung diseases are diseases that cause more difficulty with exhaling air, while restrictive lung diseases are diseases that can cause problems with inhaling air. 

 As we age, our immune system ages with us.  Over time, this ageing can affect our lung tissue, muscles, and bones that can make us more susceptible to sickness and chronic health conditions. 

Common respiratory conditions include: 

  • Asthma 
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 
  • Pulmonary fibrosis 
  • Pneumonia 
  • Lung Cancer 
  • Emphysema 

In addition to tobacco smoke, other risk factors include age, air pollution, occupational chemicals and dusts, and frequent lower respiratory infections during childhood. 

How a personal alarm can help people with chronic respiratory conditions

MePACS personal alarms have helped many seniors, people living with a disability, those with chronic medical conditions or a compromised immune system to have the peace of mind they deserve. Safe in knowledge that if they need help they only need to press one button, and our team of caring, professionals are on hand 24/7. If you have a chronic respiratory condition, you might worry how you can get help quickly when you are struggling to breathe or speak. 

 Our client Jo decided to join MePACS as she lives alone and has fragile asthma, which can be quite unpredictable and often develops into a very severe, life-threatening asthma attack. 

 “I was having numerous asthma attacks in the early hours of the morning, usually around 1 or 2am, and in the past I’ve been able to drive myself to hospital but these symptoms were getting more severe, to the point that I was unconscious by the time the ambulance arrived.” 

The MePACS Home Alarm is comfortable enough to wear for many hours during the day and to bed at night. 

 Lightweight and waterproof, it also has a range of 70 metres (from your letterbox to your back fence) so your signal press is received whether you are in the bedroom, kitchen or the garden. 

 With two-way communication with the MePACS 24/7 response team through the home speaker unit, you can be reassured that a ‘real person’ is there to comfort you and call for assistance when you need us most.  

Join MePACS by calling 1800 685 329 or Join MePACS Now