What is short-term restorative care and how can it help senior independence? - MePACS


17 Feb 22

What is short-term restorative care and how can it help senior independence?

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing

As you get older, living in your own home can be key to your happiness and well-being. But it’s when you realise everyday tasks are becoming more difficult than they were before, that you need a little extra help to ensure you can maintain your optimal health and chosen lifestyle for as long as possible.

Government funding through home care packages (HCP), commonwealth home support programmes (CHSP) and short-term restorative care programmes (STRC) supports seniors to afford essential care and services, restoring earlier levels of independence and delaying the need for long-term care.

 What is short term restorative care?

Short term restorative care is a programme designed to help reverse or reduce the difficulties a senior may have with performing everyday tasks. It’s delivered by a team of health professionals in your home, to support independence and recovery while minimising the chances of needing to go to hospital, rehabilitation or aged care in the long term.

A short-term restorative care provider will work with you to identify your needs and goals before enlisting the expert advice of a health professional, such as a dietician, occupational therapist or physiotherapist, to ensure the restorative care programme caters to individual needs.


What help is available in a short term restorative care programme?

The short-term restorative care programme will be different for everyone, depending on their needs or health condition. It could involve exercises to improve strength, balance and general movement, organising mobility aids or installing home modifications for safety, such as rails on the stairs and bathroom.

STRC services may include:

  • aids and equipment
  • audiology
  • cooking assistance
  • home maintenance
  • nursing
  • nutrition, meal preparation and diet advice
  • physiotherapy and occupational therapy
  • psychologist or counsellor support
  • speech therapy
  • domestic care support
  • emotional support therapy groups
  • transport

Read more about Short Term Restorative Care


How long does a short-term restorative care programme go for?

Short term restorative care programmes run for up to eight weeks, twice in any 12-month period.


What is STRC funding?

STRC funding is provided by the government to assist seniors with affording short-term restorative care, but it doesn’t cover all of the cost. If you can afford to, you are expected to contribute to the cost of short-term restorative care services.

For more information, visit Funding for the Short Term Restorative Care Programme


Why include a personal alarm in a short-term restorative care programme?

mepacs home and mobile unitPersonal alarms provide reassurance, confidence and great peace of mind – enabling the wearer to continue living independently and not have to worry about signalling for help in a medical emergency.

The MePACS Home Alarm is ideal for seniors who are spending most of their time quite comfortably at home. With a lightweight pendant worn on your person and an alarm base unit with two-way communication, assistance from trained professionals in emergency response is guaranteed at the press of a button, 24/7.

The MePACS Mobile Alarm is ideal for seniors who are more active around their community. It’s a simple and effective personal safety device designed to keep you safe when you are out shopping, walking, or meeting friends. With falls detection and GPS technology, this mobile device can give you and your family peace of mind that help is only the press of one button away.

Our response team assess the situation and call the right help you need quickly, keeping in touch with you until a family member, carer or emergency services has arrived. It’s this high level of care and safety that can really make a difference in a period of restorative care.

Want to know more about including a personal alarm in a short-term restorative care programme? Live chat with us now!


How do I include a MePACS Personal Alarm in an STRC programme?

A short-term restorative care provider can organise a MePACS personal alarm for the period of care, with an upfront, one-off payment covering the Alarm unit, installation and up to three months of monitoring from our 24/7 emergency response team.

This STRC package from MePACS is convenient for providers to organise on behalf of their client, and the client can still continue with the MePACS service after the funding has finished.

For more information, call 1800 685 329


Am I eligible for short term restorative care?

You may be eligible for short-term restorative care if you are a senior who wants to keep living independently at home, but may need help with everyday tasks or feels like they are slowing down mentally and/or physically. For example, your walking speed may have slowed, you have increased levels of exhaustion or experienced unintended weight loss.

You cannot receive this care if you live permanently in an aged care home, have a Home Care Package, receiving transition care after spending time in hospital or have needs that cannot be met by the programme.

Check if you meet the requirements for an assessment


How do I get STRC?

You can apply for a short-term restorative care program assessment through My Aged Care. It’s an online application in three parts – first it checks your eligibility, then you write in your details and the third part confirms the best contact number to arrange the assessment.

You’ll need your Medicare card and it will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

Apply for an STRC Assessment

A MePACS personal alarm can help you, your loved one, your client or someone you know feel safer and more independent at home and away. For more information, call 1800 685 329.