How wearable technology is supporting senior living - MePACS


07 Nov 21

How wearable technology is supporting senior living

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing

As we age, our health becomes a higher priority, as well as continuing to live independently.

With wearable technology, we now have the ability to monitor vital bodily functions, such as heart rate and blood pressure, and keep track of your personal goals.

It is important to have regular visits to your doctor to keep an eye on your health, but tracking changes in your body over time can be a great preventative measure to ensure overall health and well-being stays in an optimal range.

What is wearable technology for seniors?

Wearable technology is usually in the form of smart electronic devices that are worn on the surface of the skin to detect and analyse information about various bodily functions.

These devices have tiny sensors that pick up the smallest changes in your body from a regular function, such as that of an increased heart rate – with new information displayed every few minutes.

Wearable technology currently has a variety of applications, which continue to grow as modern society advances. While the first wearable Electrocardiogram (ECG) was introduced in the 1980s to detect and display a heartbeat, today we have wearable devices in the fields of sport and recreation, navigation, engineering and healthcare.

Introducing the MePACS Solo – the latest MePACS personal alarm on the Samsung Galaxy 3 watch. With automatic falls detection, GPS technology and voice-to-voice communication with the MePACS 24/7 emergency response team, it’s the ideal wearable technology to keep you safer at home and out and about.

Find out more about the MePACS Solo watch or call 1800 685 329


What can wearable technology for seniors be used for?

Younger generations may be more inclined to use wearable technology as they have grown up with it, but that does not mean that seniors have to miss out on these smart devices to support their health and lifestyle.

In fact, embracing changes in technology can help you to maintain independence and feel confident to stay in your own home for longer, given that you are able to connect with family, friends and the outside world.

One of the most important wearable devices for seniors are those that monitor your health, allowing you to keep active and feel safe while doing so.

These smart devices can provide immediate information to keep you informed and aware of what is normal for your body at any given time – whether you are heading to bed, going out for a walk or simply resting on the couch.

Find out more about the MePACS Solo watch or call 1800 685 329

Is wearable technology safe for the elderly?

Wearable technology is completely safe for the elderly, and even increases the protection of your welfare in a number of positive ways.

With wearable technology that monitors your health, you can share this information to your doctor, home support worker and family and friends to ensure they are aware of your health conditions and any chances of unexpected medical emergencies.

Wearable technology with fall detection can register and record each time you fall, enabling a health professional to determine if multiple falls may be a sign of underlying health issues.

Wearable technology with a GPS tracker can also locate you if you need help while you are out and about, significantly reducing the time that you have to wait for an ambulance service.

Using wearable technology to increase awareness of your health risks and habits is so important to maintaining a positive mindset and outlook for your future.

Even if a smart device is worn as a preventative measure for now, you will be quite thankful you made the decision before a medical emergency happens.

What are the different types of wearable devices?

Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers such as Garmins and Fitbits can detect how many steps you have walked, calories burned and time spent exercising. These devices are familiar and accessible on your wrist, so you can wear them when you go out, exercise or participate in social activities.

There is a new type of wearable device designed for seniors, which features a number of the health functions that fitness trackers do but also offers a fully comprehensive personal alarm service – the MePACS Solo.

The MePACS Solo is a stylish and discreet personal alarm on the Samsung Galaxy watch that not only monitors your heart rate and counts your steps, but exclusively connects to the MePACS 24/7 emergency response service in Australia.

Ideal for any senior who wants to live an active and independent lifestyle but still feel safe, this personal alarm watch can detect a fall, locate you with GPS technology and is also water-resistant, so you can even wear it in the swimming pool.

The MePACS Solo watch is only available to purchase from MePACS. 

Find out more about the MePACS Solo watch or call 1800 685 329

Personal Alarms

mepacs base unit

Personal alarms can provide extra safety and security, especially for seniors who continue to live independently in their own home and may need immediate assistance in an emergency situation.

While autodialler alarms only call a pre-selected list of contacts and cannot give specific information about what has happened. This can lead to increased worry and concern from family and carers, especially if they miss the call due to work, swimming, or being in the middle of the night.

And if emergency services were not prioritised on the list, the wait time for help is also increased – their response is absolutely crucial in the event of a medical emergency.

MePACS offers a 24/7 emergency response service, which guarantees an answer from a trained professional within two minutes. Our friendly team members can talk directly to our clients and assess the level of help required, while providing reassurance and guidance to calm someone in pain, an anxious state or alone. Over 40,000 customers trust MePACS to give them peace of mind while living independently, and it only takes one press of a button on their MePACS alarm to ensure help is on the way.




GPS Technology

personal panic alarm

GPS technology is used in your phone, smartwatch and car navigation system, but it also enables modern health monitors to be convenient and portable.

For those who are able to be active outside, a short walk around your neighbourhood in fine weather can help reduce pain, boost your mental health and promote social engagement with your friends and community.

A MePACS mobile alarm is a more basic alarm than the MePACS Solo but  it can still help keep you safe and independent while you are away from home, as the device is splash-proof, has a GPS locator and works anywhere with mobile reception in Australia. You can take the alarm with you to the shops, family visits, social groups and even on holiday.

More importantly, MePACS and emergency services are able to determine an accurate location of where you are outside, so they can deliver their essential help as soon as possible.

Enjoy the confidence that comes with having a mobile alarm when you are out and about, knowing that there is guaranteed help available from MePACS.

Heart Health Monitors

The health of your heart and cardiovascular system is incredibly important as you get older.

A heart rate monitor can identify:

  • signs of improved heart health and overall fitness, such as a lower resting heart rate
  • signs of stress by tracking when your heart rate rises and falls over a given period of time
  • possible illness, if you have a resting heart rate that is higher than normal
  • serious heart conditions with advanced monitors, such as sleep apnea or hypertension

While these devices are available for personal use, this does not replace the need for a regular appointment with your doctor.

Maintaining overall health and well-being can be made easier with the use of health monitoring devices. Feel free to call our friendly MePACS team on 1800 685 329 if you are interested in any of the MePACS product range.