Mum and I know we can rely on MePACS together.” - Elle - MePACS


26 Feb 21

Mum and I know we can rely on MePACS together.” – Elle

MePACS Team | Carers , Testimonials

Our client Helen is 80 and lives independently in her own home in New Zealand. Before international travel was restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, her daughter Elle would organise a MePACS alarm for Helen when she visited Australia for a holiday, several times a year. 

“It’s so simple to organise the MePACS service for mum. She has been a client for years, so we just call up their lovely team and let them know how long mum will be staying each time.” 

“With no lock-in contract, we don’t have to worry about paying for a service she won’t use when she goes back home to New Zealand.”

Helen is prone to falls and has fractured various parts of her body as a result. At home in New Zealand, she has another personal alarm service to rely on, but MePACS is her safety device of choice here in Australia.

For more information on MePACS Personal Alarms, call 1800 685 329 or Join Now

“As mum has got older, she is a little unsteady on her feet and sometimes has issues with her balance,” Elle said. 

“I want to make sure that help is available whenever she needs it, and it’s wonderful that the MePACS response team are guaranteed to answer within two minutes.”

Elle and her family have the confidence that her mum Helen will be safe with MePACS when she is visiting Australia– joining many families across Australia who appreciate the service MePACS provides. 

MePACS can give you the security you need – join our service today! 

Elle also wants her mum to have peace of mind and feel at ease in her home, especially when she is alone. 

“My husband and I work full-time, and our children go to school, so there are certainly times where mum has to entertain herself for the day. She doesn’t mind that, because she likes to read, bake and craft, but I worry about a medical emergency happening when I’m not there.” 

“If mum were to have a medical emergency when home alone, she would not be able to use our phone or know what numbers to call. She would panic and get very upset in that situation.”

Elle says that Helen feels great reassurance having a MePACS alarm and knows what to do if she has a fall, is in pain or feels extremely unwell. 

“Mum is familiar with her MePACS alarm – it’s easy for her to use and she always remembers where it is on her person. It makes her feel safer and more comfortable in our house, which is what she deserves.”

Elle’s family are so relieved to know MePACS is looking out for her mum. 

“I absolutely recommend others with elderly parents to organise a personal alarm for them, especially with a monitored service. Mum and I know we can rely on MePACS together.” 

MePACS is ideal for seniors, people with disabilities and those with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems. For more information on MePACS Personal Alarms, call 1800 685 329 or Join Now