“The Solo watch gives me a big sense of security.” – Julie - MePACS


02 Mar 22

“The Solo watch gives me a big sense of security.” – Julie

MePACS Team | Clients , Testimonials

Our client Julie cherishes her independent lifestyle in regional Victoria. She’s always busy with activities like propagating plants in her garden, tending her veggie patch, or engaging with the local community.

Now, with the MePACS Solo watch, Julie feels safe and can continue enjoying her hobbies without worrying about getting help in a medical emergency.

“Before I knew about MePACS, I had four falls and no easy way to call for help. On one occasion, I tripped on the pathway and smashed my shoulder on a large concrete tub. I just sat for ages and thought what can I do on my own, when I’m in pain? But if I had the Solo watch then I would have been able to signal to MePACS.”

Julie loves strolling around the streets and laneways by herself in the evenings, but there are small risks that could potentially lead to a medical emergency. “If I trip or hurt myself and I’m in no state to find out where I am, then having the GPS location feature on the watch is truly essential”, says Julie.


Home Care Funding helps prioritise personal safety

Julie used her Home Care Package to fund the MePACS Solo watch alarm. Both she and her family wanted peace of mind and safety around the clock, so they chose MePACS’ 24/7 emergency response service.

“The Solo watch and MePACS response team give me a big sense of security, because even if I just jump in the car and go down the street, anything can happen while I’m out”, says Julie. “I don’t always take my mobile with me so if something goes wrong, I need to have a safety device that I can quickly and easily signal for help with”, she emphasises.

Julie’s family also think that MePACS is excellent. Julie’s daughter is a nurse and feels it is absolutely necessary to have a 24/7 monitored service because Julie lives on her own. While Julie enjoys being independent, her daughter admits that she can be overly adventurous at times and do things that can pose a safety risk.


The ultimate safety device to support independent living

In addition to its health monitoring capabilities and modern design, Julie highlights the falls detection feature on the Solo watch as a particular standout.

When Julie was recovering from surgery recently, she was in a lot of pain and out of balance. Julie’s  daughter was staying with her but for her own safety, I also put the Solo watch on her wrist the moment she woke up. “I could have a fall while she was out and if I couldn’t reach my mobile, I could just tap the personal alarm on my wrist and quickly get help”, says Julie.

Julie also enjoys the health and wellness apps on the Solo watch. She uses the steps tracker quite often because she loves going out for my walks and keeping busy in the garden. Sometimes she also checks the heart rate monitor just to be aware for her own health.

“I think of the rose gold Solo watch like it is a piece of my jewellery, because it’s so stylish and comfortable. I know it’s a personal alarm, but no one else would unless I told them”, says Julie with a smile.

Julie is very happy with her monitoring service and never hesitates to recommend MePACS to others.

“I’ve recommended MePACS to the older woman who lives by herself across the road, and now she has the Home Alarm. And to another woman I know who is caring for her husband because she would certainly benefit from the extra support for his health.”

“I think the response team is the best thing about MePACS, because that gives you a sense of security to know somebody is going to respond very quickly and you don’t have to explain yourself too much”, she says. “They have my medical details on file, so I know they can tell emergency services on my behalf – that’s very reassuring.”

If you, or someone you know, can use a reliable safety net, please call us 1800 685 329.