How a Fast Stroke Response Saved Ron's Life


02 Aug 19

How a Fast Stroke Response Saved Ron’s Life

MePACS Team | Clients , Testimonials

Our client Ron had the terrible misfortune of suffering a stroke. Home alone, Ron began to feel an extreme sensation of pain and understood straight away that something wasn’t right. Thankfully, he had his MePACS personal alarm around his neck. Ron immediately pressed the button on his pendant to call for help and was quickly connected to the MePACS emergency response centre.

“The one thing I had in my favour was that when I pressed the MePACS alarm button, straight away I got a response,” said Ron.

Sonya, one of our trained monitors, answered Ron’s call within 30 seconds, and Ron was able to explain what was happening and that he needed urgent assistance. Sonya identified that Ron may be having a stroke and contacted the ambulance service immediately. The ambulance arrived at Ron’s house within just ten minutes of the button being pressed.

Ron believes that the prompt reply and Sonya’s experience in recognising that he was having a stroke that helped save his life.

“That was what saved me – it was the quickness of the response from MePACS that saved my life”.

Sonya, who called upon her training, understood the signs of stroke and was able to provide reassurance to Ron during the emergency. She says that the relief in Ron’s voice was palpable. “You could tell that he was a lot less anxious, just from that phone call.”

“It’s incredibly comforting for people in such a stressful situation to hear a human voice. It can be calming and can help the person to think logically and avoid exacerbating their current condition,” says Sonya.

A human touch makes a difference

MePACS emergency response service is staffed by real people who understand the importance of empathy and connection. We believe that genuine human interaction proves pivotal in critical situations because when clients talk to a real person, they can better articulate their circumstances, provide critical details, and get the appropriate help they need.

Our caring and knowledgeable approach also helps with obtaining vital information about the nature of the event, calming people in moments of distress, and improving the chances of delivering effective aid.

In Ron’s case, he agrees that her knowledge was crucial in diagnosing that he was experiencing a stroke and that talking to her helped him calm down in what was a very stressful situation.

Secure Health Data Storage

Another advantage of the MePACS service is that each client’s health data and medical history are securely stored on our system. This means that we can make informed decisions faster based on real data. In an emergency we provide the relevant medical information to emergency services so that they can prioritise the call and save precious time.

Easier Access to the Home

Ron was in such terrible pain and was not able to open the door when the ambulance arrived, so it’s a good thing that he had a key safe installed outside his home. A key safe is a secure padlock that stores a spare set of keys for use in an emergency. The code for the key safe is kept secret and only provided to emergency services and nominated contacts in an emergency situation if the client cannot reach the door.

Thanks to Ron’s key safe, the paramedics were able to get easy access to Ron swiftly and without having to break down the door.

Keeping Contacts Informed

As part of our commitment to keeping people safe, we also make sure that nominated contacts, such as family, friends or neighbours, are informed of the situation.

In Ron’s case, after the ambulance was dispatched, Sonya immediately contacted Ron’s close contacts; Garry, Ron’s friend who lives nearby, and Ron’s brother who lives in Sydney. By the time that Garry arrived at Ron’s house, the paramedics were already on the scene and helping Ron.


Thankful for the MePACS Service

Ron explains that it’s often easy to take personal alarms for granted or forget that they’re even there.

“You don’t really acknowledge what it can do for you unless something really goes wrong.
It was that little button that saved me. That’s what it’s all about. That thing is magical.” Said Ron.

Ron was incredibly fortunate to have survived the stroke and made a fantastic recovery. He’s forever grateful to MePACS and Sonya for giving him another chance to enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.

Taking care of our health becomes even more essential as we age. That’s why having a personal alarm is a convenient way for older people to ensure their safety while maintaining an independent and active lifestyle. Don’t let your age or a medical condition be a barrier to your freedom and peace of mind – embrace the benefits of a personal alarm and enjoy life to the fullest!

 Join Now

If you are considering purchasing a personal safety alarm for yourself or a loved one, talk to our friendly team on 1800 685 329