"It's a great relief to know assistance is there when I need it." - Robert - MePACS


12 Jun 19

“It’s a great relief to know assistance is there when I need it.” – Robert

MePACS Team | Clients , Testimonials

Robert is 80 years old and lives independently in his own home in Western Sydney in New South Wales.

Robert’s wife passed away 5 years ago. He knew he was capable of looking after himself, but felt like he needed a service that provided 24/7 response assistance should he need emergency help.

Robert originally signed up to a competitors alarm service which required him to have a landline phone connection. However, Robert never used his home phone line as he was comfortable using his mobile for all his communication. This is what attracted Robert to MePACS, as they didn’t require a home phone line connection.

Robert prides himself on keeping active, visiting the gym and looking after his grandchildren 2-3 times a week. “My family know that I am capable of looking after myself”.

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MePACS Personal Alarms – Immediate Help 24/7

Robert has pressed his MePACS medical alarm on several occasions and recalls a time late last year when he needed to press his alarm in the very early hours of the morning.

“My blood pressure was very high and I felt unwell, so I pressed my MePACS alarm which I wear around my neck and they called an ambulance who was here so quickly. They took me to hospital and after tests, I later had heart stent surgery to restore blood flow in an artery and am now on blood thinners.”

“It’s a great relief to know that 24/7 assistance is there for me when I need it, any time of the day or night.”


Robert says that he cannot fault the MePACS staff and service.

“They are great and so very helpful. I need not call and concern my children who live only minutes away, as most of the time I have needed the MePACS help it’s been in the early hours of the morning.”

I would recommend MePACS to others, it’s a valuable service and it gives comfort to know there is immediate help when needed, especially when you are living on your own,” said Robert.


For more information on MePACS Personal Alarms call 1800 685 329, visit our personal alarms product page here


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