SalvoCare Northern Victoria Staff Review - MePACS


20 Feb 19

MePACS Duress Alarm Testimonial- SalvoCare Northern Victoria

MePACS Team | Lone Worker , Testimonials

“Reliable, Professional, Efficient and Effective”

“Salvo Care Northern Victoria Youth Services would definitely recommend MePACS to others working out in the community.

We use MePACS for staff working in the community with young offenders. Following an internal review, our organisation made a decision to use MePACS rather than have our own staff provide an on-call service. We also compared various companies and MePACS came out well on top.

The initial contact with the MePACS team was clear and efficient and the delivery of the alarms was fast.”


“We cannot fault the MePACS alarm service.”

“We have found the monitoring service provided by MePACS to be diligent and professional. MePACS have also contacted us on several occasions  to remind us to charge the alarms as the batteries were shown as low.

Our team has concurred that the MePACS system is more responsive and more consistent than the previous alarm system we had in place. We were also so pleased to able to purchase other resources and materials due to the considerable saving incurred from going with MePACS .

We are very happy to recommend the service to others working out in the community.” Graeme Parish (Youth Services Manager), SalvoCare Northern Victoria

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For more information on MePACS lone worker Duress alarms visit or call 1800 451 300.