"I felt a severe pain ... but managed to press my alarm." - Stephen


02 Oct 19

“I felt a severe pain in my chest but managed to press my MePACS alarm.” – Stephen

MePACS Team | Clients , Testimonials

Stephen is 66 years old and lives on a large property in the Gippsland region in Victoria.

Stephen was referred to MePACS by his brother who insisted that he needed additional support now that he was living by himself. “He said to me Steve you’re on your own and you have heart complications, do something now! – And I’m so thankful I did”.

This is Stephen’s story:

“In late July this year, I was with my horses in the paddock and I felt a severe pain in my chest. I could barely breathe but managed to press my MePACS mobile alarm. A really helpful MePACS operator responded so quickly. He was very calm and reassuring and called for help straight away, staying on the phone with me until the ambulance arrived. I’m very thankful for the MePACS operator as he helped calmed me down and reassured me that an ambulance was on its way. When the paramedics arrived the MePACS operator spoke directly to them and gave them my medical information.


If it wasn’t for the fast response and professional conduct of the MePACS alarm operator I wouldn’t be here today.” 


Simon, the MePACS Response Operator who took Stephen’s call recalls the event quite clearly:

Stephen was very breathless and in obvious distress when he called. The GPS located Stephen in the paddock and then he confirmed his location. I stayed on the line talking to Stephen to reassure him that help had been organised and that we were aware of his location. I could tell that it was a serious medical emergency from the way he was having difficulty speaking, and that he was not completely alert – so I advised him of what I was doing to help keep him calm, and thankfully the ambulance was on scene promptly, said Simon.

Stephen is at home now and taking it easy but feels so happy and relieved to have the MePACS service. “ I was so relieved to come home knowing that I have the peace of mind of the MePACS service, if I need help I know you are only a finger tap away and will respond to be instantly. You take the worry away from me, I appreciate you all!” Stephen.


I know not to hesitate to press my alarm as its peace of mind for me. I could not recommend MePACS more highly.


Stephen’s brother is now looking into purchasing a MePACS alarm for himself and take his own advice. “I told him you need to do it now!” Said Stephen.

“My doctor has also heard of MePACS and after my experience he said he will also recommend the service to all his patients, especially those who have health concerns and live by themselves.

I recommend MePACS to everyone, I also encourage those who like to get out and about to purchase a MePACS mobile alarm – if it wasn’t for this alarm I wouldn’t be here today. I honestly don’t know what I would do without the MePACS alarm service.” – Stephen, VIC.

For more information on MePACS Personal Alarms, call 1800 685 329 or Join Now