Can people with dementia use Monitored Personal Alarms? - MePACS


23 May 23

Can people with dementia use Monitored Personal Alarms?

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing

Living with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease poses physical, mental and financial challenges for both individuals and their carers. However, advancements in technology have brought about solutions, such as personal alarms, that can significantly improve safety and provide much-needed peace of mind.

In this article, we will explore how a monitored personal alarm, with 24/7 emergency response, can become a useful tool in caring for people living with dementia. 

The main benefits of personal alarms for dementia sufferers and their carers are:

Quick Access to help in an emergency:

One of the most critical aspects of caring for someone with dementia is getting help fast in an emergency, because they can easily get confused and stressed. With MePACS personal alarms, calling for help only takes a single press of a button, which then connects you to our 24/7 emergency response center. A trained professional will then promptly assesses the situation to get you the appropriate help, providing reassurance and guidance until help arrives.

Peace of mind and reduced anxiety:

Caring for someone with dementia can be emotionally and physically demanding, often accompanied by worries about their safety when left alone. A MePACS monitored alarms is like a safety net that helps take some of the pressure off carers and provide them with much needed reprieve during the day or night.
Knowing that MePACS is always ready to help can also help alleviate anxiety around engaging in daily activities, and allows carers to attend to their own needs and responsibilities.

Improved confidence:

Monitored personal alarms have been proven to improve feelings of safety and confidence. The knowledge that immediate assistance is always available at a press of a button gives a sense of independence and security, enhancing the quality of care and overall wellbeing for both clients and their carers.

Government funding for personal alarms

Depending on the individual circumstances, government funding can be available for eligible people living with dementia. This can includes a Home Care Package or the NDIS, or state funding such as PAV or PASA for eligible people.

Monitored Alarms Vs. Auto-dial Alarms

Monitored personal alarms offer several advantages over auto-dial alarms when it comes to caring for people living with dementia.

  1. Immediate Assistance:
    Monitored alarms are connected to a professional monitoring center staffed 24/7. In case of an emergency or distress situation, pressing the alarm button triggers an immediate response from trained personnel who can assess the situation and initiate appropriate action. This quick response can be critical for individuals with dementia who can get easily confused or disoriented.
  2. Reliable Support:
    With auto-dial alarms, the responsibility in an emergency often falls on the caregiver or family member, who may not be available or capable of providing immediate assistance at all times. Monitored alarms ensure 24/7 professional support, day and night.
  3. Personalised attention:
    Monitored alarms allow clients and their carers to provide specific information and instructions to the monitoring center. This could include health conditions, medical history, or any particular needs or triggers for the person with dementia. This is particularly important for dementia patients who may not be able to properly communicate information about their condition or explain the emergency situation.
  4. Effective emergency response:
    If emergency services are required, the monitoring service can share the client’s information and medical history with emergency services, so that they can prioritise the call and tailor the response. Having this information readily available to emergency services ensures that the response is more effective and appropriate to the individual’s needs.


Incorporating a monitored personal alarm into dementia care strategies can be a life-changer for both the client and the carer. It offers a support lifeline that enhances safety, confidence, and overall wellbeing. By embracing assistive technology such as a personal alarm, you can provide individuals with dementia and their carers the peace of mind they deserve.

If you feel that you or your loved one can benefit from a personal alarm, call us on 1800 685 329