Worried You’re Not Doing Enough For Your Elderly Parents? Let Technology Help! - MePACS


29 Jul 19

Worried You’re Not Doing Enough For Your Elderly Parents? Let Technology Help!

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing

The overwhelming majority of people caring for their elderly parents sometimes experience overwhelming feelings of guilt.

It’s not at all uncommon for these adult caregivers to feel like their busy lives (filled with their own responsibilities) make it difficult to provide the highest quality care for their elderly loved ones – even when they are doing the very best they can!

In the 1980s, the term “sandwich generation” was used to describe men and women responsible for caring for their young children as well as their elderly parents – sandwiched in the middle of a dueling responsibilities.

And while modern care solutions have improved significantly over the last few decades the pressure put on adult children to care for their elderly parents or elderly loved ones still remains. Trying to juggle a career in today’s ultracompetitive business environment, alongside all of the other day to day pressures, can feel almost untenable when stacked up with having to give this kind of care as well.

Combine this with the fact that adults are putting off having children until later and later in life, making it much more likely for adults to have to care for young children as well as elderly loved ones at the same time, and it’s a surefire recipe for stress and overwhelm.

Of course, many of these adult caregivers are more than happy to take on as much of this extra responsibility as possible. We love our parents and our elder relatives, appreciate all that they did to raise and care for us when we were young, and the opportunity to give back to people that did so much for us just feels right.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t going to be times of stress, times of anxiety, and times where the mental, emotional, and financial toll can be almost too much to bear.


What if Technology Could Help Provide Better Care?

Companies the world over are starting to introduce new technologies that will allow us to provide higher levels of care to our elderly loved ones with a real “personal touch” in a way that just wasn’t possible previously.

While many of us would love nothing more than to be with our loved ones every second of every day to make sure that they are well cared for, our other responsibilities may need us elsewhere. Cutting-edge communication tools, robotic and AI solutions, and even virtual reality tools are helping provide higher levels of care to our elderly loved ones and will only continue to get better moving forward.

A Personal Alarm Systems Built around the Human Experience

The MePACS Personal Alarm systems have been designed to provide this high level of care when adult caregivers cannot be around personally, offering an alarm button system that can be easily used by elderly individuals to send out an alert when they need urgent assistance.

With just a single press of the button on the MePACS personal alarm a connection is established with trained and courteous operators that can either provide immediate assistance or place phone calls to individuals or organisations that can.

Best of all, these alarms not only work at home but also while out and about. The individual wearing this alarm on a regular basis can trigger it whenever they need assistance, providing them with a lot more independence as well as a lot more security and confidence that everything is going to be all right.

Offering a 100% 24/7 personal service – there’s no dialing of an automatic predetermined number and individuals will never be sent to a recorded/automated answering service – the MePACS technology guarantees that your loved ones will never be alone.

Some of the individuals that use the MePACS alarm system have also established real and rewarding relationships with the MePACS operators at the other end of this communication device. From time to time, some of these operators may touch base with the people that they have connected with just to make sure that everything is all right. It’s like having an extra family member look over your loved one when you cannot be there physically.

There’s a reason why the MePACS systems have been used to assist 43,000+ Australians over the past 25+ years, and why Australians continue to lean on this technology to help make sure that their loved ones are cared for on a daily basis.

elderly alarm system

You can’t always be there for your parents, however a MePACS personal alarm can.


If you would like to join yourself or a loved one to the MePACS 24/7 alarm service call our friendly sales team on 1800 685 329 or Join Now to order a MePACS personal alarm today.