“Had it not been for MePACS, I wouldn’t be here today.” – Jo - MePACS


03 Feb 21

“Had it not been for MePACS, I wouldn’t be here today.” – Jo

MePACS Team | Clients , Testimonials

Dealing with serious medical conditions as you get older can start to become an increasing worry, but when you have a MePACS personal alarm with a monitoring team trained in emergency response, vital support is just one press of a button away.

Our client Jo decided to join MePACS as she lives alone and has fragile asthma, which can be quite unpredictable and often develops into a very severe, life-threatening asthma attack.

“I was having numerous asthma attacks in the early hours of the morning, usually around 1 or 2am, and in the past I’ve been able to drive myself to hospital but these symptoms were getting more severe, to the point that I was unconscious by the time the ambulance arrived.”

“In the last asthma attack, I could barely talk. The MePACS operator could tell I was in a bad way and they organised an ambulance straightaway as well as tell the paramedics where the key lock was as I couldn’t get to the door. I remember before I passed out, I could hear their calm voice reassuring me that help was on the way.”

MePACS was there for Jo when she needed urgent help. Join MePACS today and experience ultimate peace of mind and safety with our 24/7 emergency response service.


Join MePACSor call 1800 685 329

“This severe asthma attack got to the point where I passed out from lack of oxygen. I had to be resuscitated and then intubated in intensive care for three weeks.”

Now with MePACS as her “lifeline”, Jo has one less thing to worry about and can continue to enjoy her independent and active lifestyle.

“MePACS has given me great peace of mind. In the last couple of years especially, I’ve had so many severe attacks and had it not been for MePACS, I wouldn’t be here today,” said Jo.

“It’s really hard to make sure you have emergency help when you live alone in a regional area. When I struggled to breathe, I knew there was no way that I could physically make a phone call myself. But for MePACS to organise everything and stay with me the whole time was just brilliant.”

Jo loves the serenity of her home in regional Victoria and giving back to her small community. Every time she visits a friend, volunteers or goes to her local doctor, she puts in a good word about how MePACS has changed her life for the better.

“I think everyone in my situation, living alone with a serious medical condition, should have a MePACS personal alarm. I have been in hospital so many times and my daughter said one day ‘thank goodness you’ve got that alarm mum, we all know MePACS has saved your life.’”

“To know that someone is there for me when I am very unwell and that I am not going through this asthma attack alone really makes all the difference. I don’t have to hope that someone will pick up, because MePACS are guaranteed to respond. And I know they will answer quickly as well – I never have to wait long at all and that’s so important when I am dealing with a very serious medical emergency.”

For more information on MePACS Personal Alarms, call 1800 685 329 or Join Now

Not only does MePACS provide efficient and effective triage in an emergency, but many clients like Jo have often praised our monitoring team for providing care and compassion beyond the duty of service.

“The last couple of times, all I’ve been able to say was the word ambulance and because MePACS has my medical history on file, they knew exactly what was happening even when I couldn’t tell them.”

“The MePACS team are just delightful. They are so genuine and really go above and beyond no matter the reason you have pressed the personal alarm. They never mind if it is accidental or I forget to do my ‘daily call’, they are happy to give me a friendly reminder about my monthly pendant test and always wish me a lovely day. The personalised service that you get from MePACS is wonderful.”

Jo has such a caring nature and empathy for those around her – as a Spanish teacher, counsellor and wonderful grandmother – and we at MePACS are proud to return the favour by providing her with ultimate safety and security.

Need more information about the MePACS service? For more information on MePACS Personal Alarms, call 1800 685 329 or Join Now