Stay fit, healthy and happy with the MePACS Solo watch - MePACS


06 Nov 21

Stay fit, healthy and happy with the MePACS Solo watch

MePACS Team | Health & Wellbeing , MePACS Products & Services

It’s no secret that eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are two important factors in maintaining fitness and overall well-being as we get older. Our bodies aren’t as fit and flexible as they used to be, but why should that stop you from enjoying the benefits of an active lifestyle?

Whether you exercise safely at home or in your local community, wearable technology such as a fitness band or smart watch can help you to monitor the influence of daily physical activity on your body, motivate you to achieve your fitness goals and also know when you should book an appointment with a medical professional – abnormalities in results, such as a higher than average resting heart rate (which is usually between 60 and 100 beats per minute for older adults), are just as important to be aware of as normal results.

The new MePACS Solo, a discreet personal alarm on the stylish Samsung Galaxy watch, has the ability to track your heart rate and steps, keeping you updated with the latest health metrics about your body.

MePACS Solo health metrics

If you have a MePACS Solo watch and want to know more about the health applications, we’ve got a handy how-to guide to help you learn how to get the most out of your new fitness companion. Although it cannot be connected to a smart phone, you can record a workout, be prompted in breathing exercises and even monitor your sleep pattern (if worn while asleep).

Samsung Galaxy Watch Health App Guide

Along with these essential health stats, this revolutionary personal alarm watch is water-resistant and is connected to our MePACS emergency response team, who are available 24/7 to provide assistance in a medical emergency.

Having detailed analysis of vital functions at your wrist is convenient, but having a device that is also a personal alarm, with GPS technology and falls detection, can certainly make you feel a lot safer especially when exercising in your local community.

With the MePACS Solo, your signal for help is guaranteed to be answered within two minutes, and our team can assess the level of help required to ensure you receive the most appropriate care.

5 benefits of exercise for seniors

  • Improved brain function – Fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination can be developed through exercise, and an increased heart rate pumps more oxygen to the brain.
  • Improved mental health – Exercise produces endorphins, a group of hormones in our body which relieve stress and make you feel happy.
  • Decreased risk of falls – Exercise can improve your balance, strength and coordination to assist in improved gait and posture.
  • Opportunity for social engagement – Joining a local group or exercising with a family member offers a chance for conversation and consistent support.
  • More energy to keep up with the grandkids – Regular exercise can also improve sleep, which is important for seniors who suffer from insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns. After exercising within your limits, you may wake feeling refreshed the next day.

The MePACS Solo could be the right personal alarm watch for you! Call our team on 1800 685 329 or email to find out more…