Aged Care Quality Standards - Supporting Australian seniors with the care they deserve - MePACS


27 Jul 21

Aged Care Quality Standards – Supporting Australian seniors with the care they deserve

MePACS Team | News & Updates

When it comes to aged care, Australian seniors deserve the best support possible. But how do we ensure that the quality of care offered by aged care providers meets the needs of senior clients? 

In February 2021, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety issued the Final Report in their investigation into the quality of aged care services and whether those services met the needs of the Australian community.  

This included care for seniors living at home, people living with dementia and those living in residential aged care. It made 148 recommendations, some of which can hopefully be implemented to improve aged care in the future. 

While this Royal Commission was in its early stages (established October 2018), the Aged Care Quality Standards came into effect in July 2019. These standards mandate the level of care that must be adhered to by aged care providers across Australia. 

We take a look at these standards below and how MePACS can support aged care providers to continue giving exceptional care to their senior clients. 

What are Aged Care Quality Standards?

The Aged Care Quality Standards are a governing framework to define the level of care that aged care providers must ensure. Whether a government funded aged care provider is residential or delivers care in the home, they are required to comply with these eight standards. 

What are the eight Aged Care Quality Standards in Australia?

The eight Aged Care Quality Standards in Australia are outlined as follows – the statement below each one proposes how seniors should feel because of the care they receive: 

  1. Consumer dignity and choice
    I am treated with dignity and respect, and can maintain my identity. I can make informed choices about my care and services, and live the life I choose.
  2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
    I am a partner in my own care assessment and planning, which helps me get the care and services I need for my health and well-being.
  3. Personal care and clinical care
    I get personal care, clinical care, or both personal care and clinical care, that is safe and right for me.
  4. Services and supports for daily living
    I get the services and supports for daily living that are important for my health and well-being and that enable me to do the things I want to do.
  5. Organisation’s service environment
    I feel I belong and I am safe and comfortable in the organisation’s service environment.
  6. Feedback and complaints
    I feel safe and am encouraged and supported to give feedback and make complaints. I am engaged in processes to address my feedback and complaints, and appropriate action is taken.
  7. Human resources
    I get quality care and services when I need them from people who are knowledgeable, capable and caring.
  8. Organisational governance
    I am confident the organisation is well run. I can partner in improving the delivery of care and services.

These standards are managed and regulated by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to ensure compliancy by aged care providers.

How does MePACS support Aged Care Providers in Australia?

Aged care can either be in a residential facility or be given in a senior’s own home. Those who conduct these home care visits are home care support workers, and we work with their organisations – Home Care Providers – to ensure seniors have access to a MePACS personal alarm through a Home Care Package or Commonwealth Home Support Program 

MePACS supports home care providers to plan home safety options with their clients by providing a range of personal alarms to suit different lifestyles, medical conditions and support daily living. Personal alarms are also included as assistive technology, and this can be vital to ensuring seniors can continue to live independently. 

Our dedicated HCP team also maintain close relationships with home care providers to ensure they are updated and informed about the MePACS service, including product information, government funding options and our installation processes. We prioritise transparency, confidentiality and providing a seamless, personalised customer experience. 

 Why do Home Care Providers Choose MePACS? 

What does the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission do?

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission independently accredits, assesses and monitors government subsidised aged care services. The Commission is also a safety and quality regulator and works with these providers to promote best practice and support their compliancy to the Aged Care Quality Standards. 

For more information on ordering a MePACS alarm through a Home Care Package, call 1800 685 329 or visit our official page for Home Care Providers.